About Me

Anxiety and depression are the building blocks to suicide.

Hi my name is Dana.
Welcome to Amare Dynasty.

My brand is a clothing line for mental health awareness for women. I stress the importance of suicide not being an option and fighting back to get out of anxiety and depression

(Get my book HERE ) | Don't do it: The Black Girls Self Help Guide For Suicide Prevention. 

 I encourage women that even though they may be struggling with anxiety and depression to wear what’s comfortable FIRST until YOU find your way out of it,(hence the dresses and sneakers that I sell). 

That they should wear their sneakers and dresses as a badge of honor, showing the world that they have indeed survived themselves! 


I decided to use the peacock as the symbolism behind my brand.

Two reasons:

 There is a myth that female Peacock birds are the sex with the beautiful feathers. This is not true. It’s the male. 

So what is the correlation? 
That mental health is severely misunderstood.

 There is another myth that this exotic bird walks around with its feathers upright at all times. This is not true. The male bird only releases his beautiful trail of feathers upright when he finds or is interested in a mate. 


That it is possible to come out of depression + anxiety, PLUS actually have an interest in LIVING.....It is even possible for a woman to no longer want to kill herself. And once she crosses that hurdle, she finally finds herself and is ready to bloom into what she was meant to be! 


Biblically, peacocks represent immortality. This exotic bird is known in many folklore tales to have long lives and to only be found in the homes of royalty. 


 This is the backbone of my brand. I am here to help stop the pandemic of women committing suicide. Encourage them that not only are they royalty but they are meant to LIVE long lives to help encourage others like themselves. 

To be proud of surviving themselves. Because I to, am a survivor of myself. 

So everyone that buys from me gets a special gift, representing long life and prosperity.